Since I started my study program at NIT, I have been developing very important and exciting new skills,
such as working with specific equipment and the physical infrastructure of internet connections. Most
importantly, all trainers are very knowledgeable and talented, which has been making my experience
incredible and unique. I can’t wait to continue having new adventures in this place, and learning as much as I
can. I am sure that I have all the necessary tools and passion to thrive in the IT field.
Within the next few years, I see myself as an empowered woman with high professional traits. With my
Business Administration background and my Diploma in Information Technology, I believe that I will have
the full set of skills to be an excellent professional and achieve great things in the job market.
I invite all women to be part of our fight for gender equality. By pursuing our dreams, we help the world
to grow and evolve. Just like everything, the world also needs a feminine touch.